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Bible Truths for Today

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Do We Need to be Revived

Writer's picture: Dale BuchananDale Buchanan

2 Chronicles 7:14 "If MY PEOPLE which are CALLED BY MY NAME, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

You are a candidate for revival IF:

You are born-again – You need to possess spiritual life before there is anything to revive. The Bible says that unsaved persons are DEAD in trespasses and sins (Eph. 2:1). New life is available by grace, not good works – baptism, church membership, and other good deeds (Eph. 2:8,9). Our sins can only be paid for by the shed blood of Jesus Christ (I Peter 1:18,19).

Have you trusted Christ as your own personal Savior?

If you are born-again, you are one of His People, and you are Called By His Name.

But, sad to say, after we are born-again, many of us let our hearts grow cold, our love declines, and our zeal evaporates. We substitute ritual for reality, form for faith, feeling for fact, and emotional display for sincerity. And sometimes, after we have allowed our love to grow cold, we become blind to our anemic spiritual condition.

We have now become genuine candidates for revival IF we recognize and confess our shameful slide into spiritual frailty.

At this point of recognizing our desperate personal needs, we can apply the actions required in II Chronicles 7:14: Humble ourselves, Pray, Seek His Face, and Turn from our wickedness.


Are you a candidate for revival? Are you ready? Will you take action today?

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